DRUNK REVIEW: Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson

Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson

Reviewed by Sam!

What I drank prior: I e had about a bottle of wine plus one? Idk. I didn’t intend to drink tonight

Goodreads Overview:

Author Brandon Sanderson expands his Cosmere universe shared by The Stormlight Archive and Mistborn with a new standalone novel for everyone who loved The Princess Bride.

The only life Tress has known on her island home in an emerald-green ocean has been a simple one, with the simple pleasures of collecting cups brought by sailors from faraway lands and listening to stories told by her friend Charlie. But when his father takes him on a voyage to find a bride and disaster strikes, Tress must stow away on a ship and seek the Sorceress of the deadly Midnight Sea. Amid the spore oceans where pirates abound, can Tress leave her simple life behind and make her own place sailing a sea where a single drop of water can mean instant death?

Drunk Overview: do our main lady Tress is a low born on this island that no one but the duke and his family leaves. She falls for the duke’s son and then the son disappears so she gets it in her head to leave. Oh and there are these spores that are shed by the moons above and when they get wet (at all) they spawn in to these vines that will kill you. Even if they like, get in to your eye goop. No water. Ever. Or you die.

Spoiler-free Thoughts: so this is amazing. For someone who loves the Cosmere this is a wonderful interpretation (lol he can’t interpret his own shit but alas) the world building and I LOVE IT

Characters: ok so Hoid is literally a named character in this. He’s the narrator. And it’s fabulous. He’s also literally a moron. Like literally mentally disabled and it makes me laugh. The actual main characrrr is Tress and she is the best. While I generally loathe the “I’m going to risk my life for someone I don’t have an actual relationship with” trope, I feel like this wasn’t quite that. The rescue trope was an excuse for getting the hell off the island and good for her. And good for those who helped her.

Plot: i really did love this so very much. While I hate the “I’m gonna save you” trope, it was so compelling. Where was he, how did he get there, why did no one save him? Lots of questions kept us happy and going while I was reading the story.

Writing Style: it’s Sando…

World Building: ok but this is where this book shines. This planet is nuts. The interaction with the cognitive realm is so much closer than other books and planets… it’s nuts. The way you learn about it and it’s dangers too is crazy. Much showing, little telling and I loved it

What to pair it with: vodka side with a splash of pineapple. Something that’s amazing and then yoh add a blip of something else. Loved it.

Rating: 5/5

Until next time, we remain forever drunkenly yours,

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